Saturday, November 20, 2010

BeachBody Crossline Coach Training

Doug will be sharing his BeachBody story of how he took his team from just him and his wife, Tammie, to over 12,000 coaches. He will share his leadership tips, personal team growth strategy, and talk about the heart of sponsorship.

You don't want to miss this event. It will help us all learn how to grow our business from one of the best.

Coaches: $10
Guests: FREE!!

Saturday December 11, 2010

Azusa Pacific University
Upper Turner Campus Center (UTCC)
901 East Alosta Avenue
Azusa, CA 91702

Tuesday, October 19, 2010



For all you coaches out there BeachBody just announced that the sign up fee will be waived untill the end of DECEMBER!!!


Here is our opportunity to get a TON of people on our teams to help fight the battle of obesity. Money is tight and now money is no longer an excuse! So get out there spread the good news!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Game Plan II Training Event

I am really excited about this Game Plan event. It will teach us
how to grow our business
and help people better attain their fitness goals!! Plan to be there!!!!!

West Coasters, cruise out to Pasadena this weekend for Game Plan II with cap’n Larry Zimberg, Coach Traci Morrow, and other local Coaches. Register today ( and get ready for some all-day training on growing your business and maximizing the return on your efforts!

New to the biz? This is the absolute must-attend Coach training event—led by National Game Plan Director and event guru
Larry Zimberg. It's about maximizing your efforts, earning a bigger paycheck, and growing a stronger business. So invite your prospects (they're FREE), bring a notebook, and prepare to leave pumped.

Saturday, September 18th
9:00 AM – 3:30 PM PT

Larry Zimberg, Nat'l Game Plan Director

9:00 AM - Briefing
10:00 AM - 3:30 PM - Training
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM - Lunch

Hilton Pasadena
168 South Los Robles Ave.
Pasadena, CA 91101

Register Online:

Coaches $10
Guests FREE

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Keeping Portions Under Control

Team BeachBody is one of my loves these days. I cannot say enough good about the company. That being said their news letters are phenomenal! I will share their tips and tricks with you when ever I can! The last news letter was about
keeping portions under control.
Part of being in shape has a lot to do with this. The key to staying in shape is the portion sizes I have. OR if I do splurge BIG TIME on dinner and dessert then I make sure I get right back on the horse the next day with eating healthy and keep my portions the right size. If you keep these tips and tricks in mind then a healthier more balanced YOU will emerge. With that healthier more balanced you will become a happier better person all at the same time!

At restaurants

1. Doggie-bag it. Don't finish your food just because it's there—or because you're still at the restaurant waiting for others to finish. Most restaurant portions contain more food and calories than you need for one meal. Bring your leftover food home, or allow the busboy to take it away early. Even better, have the server pack half of it to go before bringing it to you. It seems like an odd request, but it's not uncommon these days
2. Share with a friend. When you split a meal, not only do you cut the price in half, but you cut the calories in half, too!
3. Order the lunch or appetizer portion. Lunch and appetizer portions are cheaper and contain fewer calories than full-sized portions.
4. Avoid buffets and all-you-can-eat specials. If you're like me, you want to try everything when you go to a buffet. That's why it's better to avoid buffets when you're trying to control the size of your portions. When you have no choice about where you go (like a large family gathering or party), find the smallest plate and fill it up with the healthy stuff like grilled chicken and vegetables first. If you must go back for more, allow yourself one trip. And only get what you really want. It's such a common habit to take a bit of everything, but if you can savor one reasonably sized serving of your favorite item, you'll enjoy it a lot more.
5. Choose items with large portions of veggies. Or order salad or fruit on the side instead of fries. If you're starving, you can fill up on high-nutrient, low-calorie food to keep full.
6. Eat your favorite "indulgence" foods every now and again. Totally denying yourself the foods you take pleasure in is a surefire way to set yourself up for failure. So go ahead and treat yourself once in a while to avoid feeling deprived. But eat a smaller portion, and savor every bite.

At home

7. Hang up fridge visuals. Don't swing the fridge door open mindlessly. Think before you eat. Hang up a picture of how you once looked, that one piece of clothing you wish you could fit into, someone who you want to look like, or even someone you don't want to look like. Take a moment to think about what you're really hungry for and about your weight loss/health goals before you grab something out of the fridge. I've gone as far as putting up a "closed after 9 PM" sign on mine, since I can't seem to find a fridge lock with a timer.
8. Preplan your groceries. Don't shop when you're hungry and you'll be less likely to bring unhealthy food home. Stock your house with healthy foods and snacks that are easy to grab when you're hungry, such as fruit, cut-up vegetables with hummus, or light cheese and crackers. You can also purchase single-serving snacks. I love The Skinny Cow® ice cream sandwiches. (Mint chocolate is my favorite.) They're less than 150 calories and are preportioned so I know when I'm finished.
9. Don't eat straight out of the box or bag. If you do this, odds are you'll finish everything in it—or at least eat more than one serving. Instead, fill a small container or baggie with a single serving and leave the rest in the kitchen.
10. Break leftovers down. Instead of putting leftovers in one big container, break them down into single-serving meals or snack-sized portions before storing them.
11. Hang wall mirrors. We tend not to eat as much when we see ourselves.
12. Use smaller plates. If you can't fit as much food on the plate, you're likely to eat a smaller portion. Even better, use non-microwavable plates so you can't heat up seconds—lay down a sheet of wrinkled-up foil, or use one of Grandma's metal-glazed dishes; both are considered unsafe for microwave use by the USDA.
13. Don't put serving bowls of food on the table. Fill your plate in the kitchen and put your leftovers away promptly after they cool so it's too much of an effort to go back to the kitchen to get seconds.
14. Look at the serving size listed on the package. You may not realize you're actually dishing out a double serving of packaged food for yourself. Make sure you look at the nutrition label so you aren't overeating without even knowing it.

At work

15. BYOL (bring your own lunch). When you make your own lunch, you get to control the portion and exactly what's in it. Cook a big batch of food on Sunday, like pasta and veggies or chicken and brown rice, then refrigerate or freeze portions to take with you.
16. Keep healthy snacks at your desk. When you have healthy snacks at your desk, you won't be as tempted to head over to the vending machine for candy or chips. I love Pirate's Booty® Aged White Cheddar baked corn and rice puffs at 130 calories per serving, or Kashi® TLC Honey Sesame snack crackers. Make sure to divide them into single portions in baggies so you don't overeat. And keep them tucked away in a drawer rather than on top of the desk in plain sight.
17. Keep protein bars handy. Protein bars can be a lifesaver when you don't have time to run out to get food, or a meeting postpones your lunch for a couple of hours. Watch out for bars that only have a few grams of protein and seem to taste more like candy bars than meal replacements. P90X® Peak Performance Protein Bars are jam-packed with 20 grams of protein. My favorite flavor is the chocolate fudge. They save my stomach from growling louder than the speaker in meetings and can replace a meal in an emergency.
18. Research healthy lunch places near work. A few minutes of research can save you calories in the long run. Some places have light menu options with smaller portions that contain fewer calories. Plus, you can look up the nutrition information for many popular restaurants online even if they're not posted on the menu. And, of course, remember to avoid those all-you-can-eat specials.
19. Stock up on Shakeology® single-serving packets. I actually set reminders in my email calendar for 3:30 each day so I remember to have a Shakeology shake as my afternoon snack. It keeps me from raiding the fridge like a maniac when I get home for dinner. Shakeology single-serving packets not only contain protein and fiber that help you feel full, but also whole-food ingredients to nourish your body—all with only 140 calories a serving. I know that whether or not I eat healthily throughout the day, as long as I have my Shakeology, I'll be getting all the nutrients I need, and I'll feel full so I won't overeat.
20. Drink Herbal tea—and lots of water. If you're filling up on zero-calorie water and tea, you'll feel fuller and eat less when it's mealtime.
21. Log what you eat. Hold yourself accountable for what you eat. If you're a Team Beachbody® member, you can track your meals here or keep a notepad handy if you're not near a computer. Keeping track of everything you eat will help you take a closer look at your eating habits so you can make better choices.
22. Don't always have your cake and eat it too. There are about 300 people who work with me. If I ate cake every time there was a birthday, I'd have it almost daily. (Fortunately, Beachbody discourages people from bringing sweets to the office.) It's OK to treat yourself to some cake occasionally, but don't always eat it just because it's there. Make sure that when you do choose to indulge, you stick to your nutritious meal plan for the rest of the day, and just augment it with a small slice of cake.
23. Bring healthy snacks to meetings. If you're hosting a meeting, instead of the usual donuts and pastries, provide fruit, veggies, hummus, cheese, and wheat crackers. If you're not in charge of food-planning for meetings, break room, or vending machines, request that healthy food alternatives be made available at your office. After all, a sugar crash 30 minutes after the morning meeting isn't going to boost anybody'sproductivity.

At parties

24. Pre-eat. Before you leave home for a party, eat your own healthy, nutritious food. When you arrive at the party, you can focus on the people and the festivities instead of making a beeline for the buffet table. You can still enjoy tasting the appetizers, but you'll be satisfied with less.
25. Be a healthy host. Hosting a party? Serve healthy food. Your guests will thank you—plus you'll probably burn a ton of calories running around playing host!
26. Wait 20 minutes before going back for seconds. Sometimes, especially at extravagant parties, there's an endless variety of delectable food you'd never make or buy for yourself. Make sure you sit down with your first plate and eat slowly. It's okay to go for seconds, but before you do, take your time enjoying your food and conversing with fellow partygoers for at least 20 minutes while that first round of food digests. After you do, you may realize you've already had enough. And if you do decide to go back for seconds, don't restock the plate with everything on the table. Just take a small amount of a few of your favorites.
Don't hover around the food table. This is a recipe for disaster. I've found myself picking up olives and crackers as if my hand had a mind of its own. Take a cracker and run—far, far away from the food table. If you're still hungry, walk back over—but don't hover. Your waistline will thank you.
27. Treat yourself with nonedible rewards. It's natural for people to associate events and personal accomplishments with food. Holidays, weddings, football games, movies, job promotions, housewarmings, school events, community celebrations—customarily, they're celebrated with food. Instead, though, try treating yourself with nonedible rewards. Work out, watch a TV show, get a massage or a manicure, buy a new outfit, or phone a friend to share your excitement. Focus on the reason for the celebration rather than the food.
28. Dress to impress. Don't wear clothes that let you overeat without feeling or showing it. If you wear extra-loose, über-comfy clothes—or ones with an elasticized waistband—you might eat more. Instead, try wearing an outfit you look great in—if possible, one that's a little bit formfitting. Then there's less room to get away with eating too much. Besides, you'll get deluged with compliments that'll make you feel so great you won't want to overeat.
29. Mastering portion control will give you more control over your body and your life. Whether you're at a restaurant, at home, at work, or at a party, there's no excuse. You have the power to set yourself up for success. Being mindful of your portions will help you feel better right after each meal, which will help you manage your weight more effectively. You'll learn how to enjoy your favorite foods, boost your health, and even save some cash by eating less. Now isn't that worth a little bit of effort and planning ahead?

Monday, August 30, 2010

Shakeology Three Day Cleanse

This is the amazing Shakeology Three Day Cleanse! I have heard amazing stories about the success of this cleanse! Try it and be amazed at your own success. I am going to start it tomorrow and I know I will lose 3-5 pounds! So excited about this!

Sample Menu (Repeat all three days):

1 cup of green tea

Shakeology - 1 scoop, blended with ice & 8-10 oz of water
Optional: ½ cup of fruit (only for the super conditioned – not the weight challenged)

1 piece of fruit

Shakeology - 1 scoop, blended with ice & 8-10 oz of water

1 cup of green tea

Shakeology - 1 scoop, blended with ice & 8-10 oz of water
(This snack can be before or after dinner)

- Lettuce/veggies
- 4 oz lean protein (WHITE fish or poultry)
- Light Dressing

Saturday, August 21, 2010

P90X joins the buy from a coach advantage program!

Give your customers an even better reason to buy P90X from you! Starting now, when they buy from you or through, they'll get two FREE DVD workouts—a $40.00 bonus value. Here's what's included:
Plus, Fountain of Youth – Tony's favorite yoga moves in less time. Perfect for when you don't have the time to complete Yoga X.
Plus, Mammoth UML – Tony's ultimate Upper-Middle-Lower workout. Great for when you're on the road.
So start spreadin' the word. When your prospects/customers are ready to Bring It, make sure they know to come to you for the best deal on P90X available anywhere!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

You go girl!

I want to say congrats to Torann Bender. She is new to our team and is already tearin' it up. We need people like her!!! She just signed up a new coach. Her name is Nina! Welcome Nina! I know that if you follow the game plan you can achieve unlimited success!

Torann is the ultimate example of putting your mind to something and achieveing it. She has lost a ton of weight lately and I am so proud of her. Keep up the good work girl!

Make it an emerald week Torann!


Love Shakeology!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

San Dimas Coach Opportunity Meeting

The third Tuesday of every month there is a Coach Opportunity Meeting. Come join us and learn about this amazing company!

Check out this link about the meeting!

Also don't forget about the Monday morning coach conference call at 9 am if you are already a coach. 6054754408 Code 90405

Good Luck this week everyone!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Team BeachBody Coaches get free customers!!

Yes it is true friends! The company has been sending me free customers ever since I reached Emerald status! I asked my wonderful up-line coach Stephanie if they were MY customers and if I get credit aka MULA for everything they buy and the answer is YES!!! Crazy but TRUE! Everything I find out about this company just keeps getting better and better. It is really exciting and I geek out about it all of the time!!!!

I found an article from another Team BeachBody coach that explains it perfectly!

One of the things that sets the Beachbody Coach business opportunity apart from every other one out there is their customer lead generation program. Beachbody actually places customers into my business almost on a daily basis. Right now you are probably saying, “this sounds too good to be true, how can Beachbody do this? Where do these customers come from?”
Beachbody is able to give out customers because of the infomercials they run. Beachbody spends a lot of money (100mil a year) on creating, producing, and air time for their infomercials and they are all very successful. Successful meaning that the infomercials create a lot of sales. The customers that call in and order the products from the infomercials are the customers that Beachbody gives out to the Coaches. The number of customers Beachbody’s infomercials create is approximately 65,000 a week, so there are plenty to go around.

When comparing this to other home based businesses that offer no way help generate customers, Beachbody is a no brainer. Every other company out there sign you up, then says, “ok, now go sell”. Beachbody at least has a way to help you generate some customers. This can be huge, just imagine getting 5 customers a week placed in your business over the course of 1 year, that is 260 customers, over 5 years and you would have 1300 customers! This is a great incentive.

How Beachbody’s Customer Lead Generation Program Works:
A customers sees an infomercial and calls in and places an order. The customers is then placed in a Beachbody Coach’s business, the Coach won’t get a commission from the initial sale, but will get credit and commissions for all future purchases made by that customer. Now some customer’s will end up never buying another thing, but chances are they will buy something. Beachbody has a great line off supplements, protein bars, and Shakeology for them to choose from. These customers also make great leads to convert into a Coach, they already use the products, so why not become a Coach.

So What’s The Catch?
There is a small but reasonable catch. In order to qualify for the customer lead program that are a few criteria a Beachbody Coach must meet. The biggest thing is to get to Emerald status, which is pretty easy to do. To get to Emerald, a Coach has to personally sponsor 2 active Coaches, one in the left leg and one in the right leg. Along with being Emerald, there are 3 other simple requirements a Coach must meet to qualify for the customer leads:
Engage in at least 8 “real time” WOWY® workouts in the preceding 30 days
Be a Club member
Have posted a completed profile page with at least a “before” photo and bio

The above 3 requirements are very simple to meet and will only take a few minutes of your time and a small quarterly fee for the club membership. It is getting to Emerald that will take a little bit of time, although I’ve seen people become Emerald in the first couple of days, so it is not very hard to do.

Beachbody had to come up with some sort of requirements for Coaches to qualify for the customer lead program, it is a great incentive to get Coaches to at least sponsor 2. Without the requirements there would be a ton of people signing up to be a Coach and expecting free customers, this would not work. The program is Beachbody’s way of rewarding those Coaches who are treating this like a real business and have made it to the first step of becoming Emerald.


2 day fast formula
ActiVit Multivitamins
Meal Replacement Shake
Results and Recovery Formula
Peak Performance Protein Bars
Performance Formula
Slimming Formula

Fitness programs

Home work outs that Team Beach Body Offers:

Turbo Fire
Slim in 6
10 minute traier
Brazil Butt Lift
Turbo Jam
Hip Hop Abs
Power 90
chaLEAN Extreme

Team BeachBody Success

I named my blog Team BeachBody Success because I believe that with the programs that Team BeachBody has to offer anyone can succeed. I am living the results from their programs and especially my favorite, SHAKEOLOGY! I love the stuff and can't say enough about it. It is healthy and gives you energy.